Friday, September 29, 2006



Many times I wonder if am truly Nigerian. I don’t even know how much love I have for the country and how much I trust she has in me. I am an African woman, a Nigerian woman for that matter. As much as I know that there is a special image to be protected by me I still find it difficult to totally submit to that fact. I guess it’s because of the many things I go through as a Nigerian in my own father’s country.

O.k., lets be precise, the Nigerian woman has a face or ought to have a face and a voice; a mind strong enough to cause and see change happen. Some are of the opinion that the men have failed woefully (I don’t totally agree with that). But don’t you think it takes two to tango? Every failed man has the support and push of a woman, so that difficult general may have a terrible lieutenant.

It’s our month of independence and all you may have to do to show love to our beloved country is to keep up a good face and voice for us. Women have been used to pass across wrong messages. When you watch video or musical clips that ought to be x-rated, you find a lot of faceless women. I call them faceless because many of them do not mind dancing and acting nude. A woman with a face of sound morals and integrity will not do such. It is easy for men to generalize and insult women because of the three of four they met at different times who could not prove them wrong. Even politicians are having a good time with enough young girls to carry around. When will you say NO?! I mean an affirmative NO! Many think they are saying no but their faces and actions are screaming YES!

I don’t want to begin to mention names or call any woman a model that can be imitated because there are so many leaders/models on the outside whose secret escapades cannot be taken after. You are an African queen, a woman of strength and great inner ability and potential. The power to change the world lies quietly within you. There are o many things you need to say NO to, say NO to your family’s bad history or background; say NO to those friends who wants to lure you into unprofitable activities; say No to those boys or men who think you are nothing but a sex tool; say No to father or family who wants to trade your beauty and life for the sake of family gratification. You may have to say No to yourself too because there are time you feel like giving up by damning all the consequences of making it.

There is a great king at the other end. The guy is at he airport waiting for your great arrival. Please make him proud. Raise up the right voice that would make you a legend whose husband and children will call blessed!

Catch yah!

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